23rd March

Career & Confidence with Gorgi Coghlan: A day of reconnection to yourself.

Do you feel stuck in your life? Do you want to live more authentically and feel like you have more control in your life and understand your purpose and vision? Join Gorgi Coghlan for a full day workshop on career, boundaries and vulnerability in the stunning surrounds of Bermingham Farm.


With a diverse career spanning journalism, travel, science, education, as well as her credentials in musical theatre, as a professional singer, boutique hotel owner and now creative director and owner of Bermingham Farm – Gorgi has pivoted, reinvented and adapted herself to change her career whilst remaining true to her values and core beliefs.

Gorgi will discuss how to navigate changes in your career, where you want to be in years to come and how to develop boundaries to have more control in your life, along with how we can become more powerful with vulnerability.

This is a workshop for anyone who wants to develop the confidence to jump off the cliff into a new chapter and reflect on where they are heading in their career. To implement boundaries for self-care and for anyone who wants to learn how to be more  vulnerable and in turn being more comfortable with the uncomfortable.

If you don’t know ‘what’s next’ and you’d like to have more boundaries and connection to yourself, this workshop will help you gain clarity for the next chapter.

During the workshop we will be:

  • Reflecting on what’s important to you in your life (your values) and how your current career / situation is fulfilling these?  Where do you want to be in 3 years from now? 
  • What is and isn’t currently serving you in your career?
  • Boundaries – where do you need more boundaries in your life and where do you need less?  Why boundaries are important and how do they stop you from ‘pleasing’ people in your life
  • Vulnerability -what we gain from being vulnerable and how can vulnerability make us more powerful in our own lives?  What are you most afraid of if you became more vulnerable? 
  • To develop a deep trust of your inner knowing.   
  • To focus on your future dreams and understand what may be limiting you to achieve these dreams



9:15am: arrive at Bermingham Farm for a cuppa and connect
9:30am: welcome by Gorgi
10am – 12pm: morning workshop with Gorgi (including short morning tea)
12-1pm: delicious lunch
1-1:30pm: connection to nature, journal work outside (weather depending)
1:30-3:30pm: afternoon workshop with Gorgi
3:30-4pm: afternoon tea
4-4:30pm: closing activity and end of workshop
4:30pm: cuppa and new connections before leaving Bermingham

23rd March

$330 (plus Eventbrite processing fee)

We do not refund tickets however you can transfer your ticket. Please notify us 2 weeks in advance by emailing at [email protected] with the workshop date and who you are transferring the ticket to including the person’s email and mobile. One transfer option is allowed and must be taken within 6mths of your first booking. If less than 48 hours transfer notice provided, there may be an additional fee incurred to cover venue/catering charges.


Gorgi Coghlan

Gorgi, along with her husband Simon and daughter Molly-Rose, has always had a vision for their beautiful property Bermingham to help heal people in their personal well being journeys.  The Lunch and Learn series at The Stables is an exclusive opportunity to immerse yourself in nature and take in the beautiful surrounds of more than ten years of passion and vision at Bermingham Farm.  Gorgi will be hosting the events and introducing you to the incredible team of professionals she has lined up for this unique experience.

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